As always, it is important to look at the big picture of our liturgical life and rich Traditions. It’s fitting that we celebrate Mary’s Immaculate Conception just before Christmas (December 8) because it assists us in understanding the mystery of the Incarnation (God becoming Man). We also can’t argue the logic in celebrating Mary as Mother of God just after Christmas (January 1). This is where we need to see the big picture; Mary was immaculately conceived without sin, totally giving herself to God and led to her fiat, accepting her new role as Mother of God. Mary was intimately united to God as both a beloved daughter and his Mother and these roles were lived out in her total commitment and acceptance of Gods will, as well as, giving birth to and raising the second person of the Blessed Trinity, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Because Mary lived her life in accordance with Gods will, and became the Mother of God, she was graced with the blessing of being assumed into Heaven, body and soul, to live with her Son and be crowned Queen of Heaven.
I do not want this blog post to become a theological debate over the question of "did Mary die or fall asleep?" The question at hand is why this day is obligatory to celebrate. The answer is because it completes Mary's mission and vocation as Mother of God and model disciple. Mary is proof that when Christ promised a resurrection of the dead and eternal life in Heaven, for those who follow the New Law (Jesus Christ), that Christ wasn't kidding. The Blessed Virgin Mary is the model disciple, our natures solitary boast, and because of her choice to follow the will of God she was rewarded with everlasting glory! We are obligated to celebrate this great feast because it reminds us of our own future resurrection day when our bodies will rise from their graves and enter the eternal glory of Heaven!
It's my prayer that all Catholics will spend this day in prayer asking for our Queens intercession and protection that we can faithfully follow the will of God and grow closer to her Son. Only by taking up the Cross of Jesus Christ and following the will of our Father in Heaven will we be able to enter the new and eternal Jerusalem. Have a Blessed Feast Day!
Mary, assumed into Heaven, Pray for Us!
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